Mountain olive groves: an economic sector support

  • ZWe work for the conservation of the Mountain Olive Groves, with this in mind, we have created our own quality mark for labelling for labeling our EVOO.
  • ZWe promote and protect the mountain olive grove, aware that it is a vital economic sustenance in the municipality where our olive groves is located, where there are no other cultivation alternatives, assuming in this way, an essential fixing element of the rural population.
Mountain olive groves: an economic sector support

The conservation and promotion of local olives varieties: matihuela


  • The mountain olive grove, is a genetic resource which preserve local varieties of special relevance for the present and future of the olive grove. This is the case of the Matihuela variety

  • Matihuela”, is an autochthonous variety, which comes from millenary crops, with its own and differentiated qualities, and which has been exclusively registered by Molino de Casilda.
The conservation and promotion of local olives varieties: matihuela
Generation of direct and indirect employment

Generation of direct and indirect employment


  • On the other hand, the mountain olive grove has a high social character because it generates a high number of wages as a large part of the work is carried out manually.


  • More than 15 families contribute their work in Molino de Casilda to obtain the best EVOO.

CO2 reduction and protection of endangered species


  • In addition, the conservation of the mountain grove plays an important role in reducing CO2 in the atmosphere, being also the home and refuge of many endangered species.

CO2 reduction and protection of endangered species
Princess Christina of NØrway Special Edition EVOO, as a solidary product

Princess Christina of NØrway Special Edition EVOO, as a solidary product


  • Our Princess Christina of Norway Special Edition EVOO is a solidarity product. We allocate part of the profits generated by its sale to the foundation of the same name, in order to collaborate with the cultural exchange and alliance between Norway and Spain.
Foundation Princess Kristina of Norway
Financiado por la Union Europea Nextgeneration

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