Molino de Casilda
Family and tradition from Villannueva del Arzobispo, Jaén. These values are the foundation of our extra virgin olive oil.
The Brand’s name comes from our matriarch Casilda, a role model and a woman who was a tough, hard worker who loved the olive trees, her field and her family. She was the one who kept us all together.
From the early 20th century we cultivate these lands which are the source of our Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Molino de Casilda. This olive oil is a homage to Casilda, to her passion for her olive trees.

Casilda was a humble woman that was born on the countryside, where she spent most of her life. She left her childhood, adolescence and adulthood in between olive trees at the “Cañada de la Fuensanta”, very close to the Guadalquivir river. She was born at a farmhouse named “La Toba” also at Villanueva del Arzobispo, Jaén. During her early years she was surrounded by olive trees and her brothers. A quite large family with eleven brothers and sisters, Casilda was one of the oldest. She knew the countryside and the olive trees like nobody else.
The life of my parents: Casilda and Manuel, helped us to understand the life of common people and how to be proud of ourselves. They taught us to ask for only what we couuld achieve with our own sweat and to feel happy that we were able to grow on the countryside all together.
My mother, was used to sowing and she always go in front of the donkeys that carried our clothes and food until we could find a nice spot to collect the olives. As a homage to my mother we have decided to name the olive oil brand “Molino de Casilda” (Casilda’s Mill) so everybody can know her story and her name will never be forgotten.
“Manuel Medina González”
Villanueva del Arzobispo
Villanueva del Arzobispo is an andalousian village that belongs to the province of Jaén, in the region of “Las Villas”. The town lays at the feet of the Natural Reserve of “Sierra de Cazorla, Segura y Las Villas”.
The Saint Andrew Church built in the 16th century over the ruins of a Mudejar Temple and the Sanctuary “Virgen de la Fuensanta” are two of the most remarkable buildings in Villanueva del Arzobispo
Villanueva del Arzobispo is a town of old traditions, where its people have been linked to olives and olive oil for centuries. Ancient olive trees and tradition make the olive oil from this terrain one of the best in the world.