Early extra virgin olive oil

by 28 Jul,2021News

Early extra virgin olive oil

Early EVOO

The extra virgin’s olive oils called “early”, are oils made with olives harvested at the end of septempber and october. Early harvest olives, greens, have the best characteristics of maturity in order to give the best quality extra virgin olive oil.

From the days of ancient Rome, the “oleum omphacium” (bitter oil) was considered the highest quality extra virgin olive oil. In the words of Pliny “The Elder”:

“Extra virgin olive oil better than any other, come from early harvest olives, when they are in green, and its maturity still hasn’t started, it has an amazing flavour.”

Pliny “The Elder”

The production of extra virgin olive oil in ancient Rome came from the hand of the Phoenicians and Greeks, although it was the Romans who produced it on a large scale and made it something commonly consumed by all social classes.

The oil was obtained in the villages, rural farms that also used to grow cereal and make wine.

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